'Star Wars: Rogue One' Trailer Updates, Plot Details: Gareth Edwards Shares Death Star Plans Heist Story, Concept Art & Spin-Off Movie Footage!

By Jon Niles | Apr 20, 2015 02:08 PM EDT

With the 2015 Star Wars Anaheim Celebration taking place this past weekend, we found out some great news regarding future Lucasfilm and Disney properties, namely the highly anticipated 2016 spin off standalone movie Star Wars: Rogue One. We previously found out about director Gareth Edwards helming the film, which will star Felicity Jones, but this weekend plenty of rumors and spoilers regarding plot details were confirmed. Disney announced that this new movie will center on a plot to steal the plans for the first Death Star, which leads to a heist! Find out more details, including concept art and a teaser trailer description below!

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This weekend's Rogue One panel answered plenty of questions, revealing great details of the upcoming movie (via StarWars.com). In fact, we learned that the standalone movies that will be mixed in with the Episode films over the next few years are part of a collective entitled the Star Wars Anthology.

As far as the official plot details that were revealed, check out this official Twitter post that sums up this Gareth Edwards movie quite well:

Head over to the official website of Star Wars for a recap of this Rogue One panel, including concept art, photos and more!

Plus, a brief teaser trailer for Rogue One was featured, but any versions that have leaked online have since been deleted. Luckily for us, Slash Film provided the following description to get us excited:

A card with "December 2016″ fades in and out, with a sound that is somewhere between a slow Inception horn and a lightsaber. Then a familiar voice: Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi, saying "For more than a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the old Republic. Before the dark times. Before the Empire." As he speaks, the teaser fades in on a tracking shot, high up through a forested canyon. We hear a TIE Fighter pass overhead, and see the ship move forward into frame as the camera continues to push forward. We see, dominating the sky, the outline of what could be a moon. But that's no moon, it's a... well, you know what it is. The Death Star. Music swells and the screen goes black. The Rogue One logo comes up, and we hear radio voices, like troops communicating during combat. The chatter gets more frantic and loud as light strobes on the logo, which finally breaks up as the sound cuts out.

What do you think of how this trailer is described? Let us know in the comments section below!