Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman Costume Shown Off in New 'Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice' Promo Art

By Andrew Meola | May 04, 2015 12:02 PM EDT

Gal Gadot portrays Wonder Woman in the upcoming Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and some new promo art from the film show off her costume prominently.

Check out the promo art here, where you can see the full cape and much more.

Gadot's casting has been the subject of much controversy, as some vocal fans have complained that she does not have the right body type to play the Amazonian warrior. More important than her physical appearance, though, is the way she will bring the character to life with the appropriate attention to detail from the comics and other sources. Plus, the Israeli actress has been working out like a mad woman to get in shape for the part, so hopefully these promo photos put people at ease.

In other news, The latest rumor about Dawn of Justice is a juicy one that, if true, could explain a lot of what we have heard about the film so far. The rumor involves Jared Leto's version of The Joker from the upcoming Suicide Squad.

Noted spoiler and scoop site Latino-Review reports that Leto will appear as the famous villain in a flashback scene in Dawn of Justice to recreate an iconic scene from the comics in which Joker beats Jason Todd, aka Robin, to death, likely with a crowbar. This would explain the reports that Ben Affleck's version of Batman had given up crimefighting until Superman's emergence, and it would also explain why the Joker is apparently in jail during Suicide Squad.

Leto will reportedly film scenes for both Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad while in Toronto. Furthermore, the site reports that Affleck will show up briefly in Suicide Squad, and notes the Batmobile has been spotted in the Canadian city. Finally, Robin's costume will apparently be on display in a glass case in the Batcave in Dawn of Justice.

What do you think of the promo art? Let us know in the comments section.