5 Habits to Break to Live a Happier Life

By Kyle Dowling kyle.dowling@mstarsnews.com | May 05, 2015 09:58 AM EDT

Who doesn't want a happier and healthier life? With all the stress that we have surrounding us – much of which we might bring on ourselves – it is pretty difficult to stop and take in the precious gift that is life. Now, sure, that sounds rather hokey and cheesy and such but the truth is we all want to be happy. At least, we're guessing no one really wants to be a cantankerous old nobody who people can't stand to be around, right? Well, you might want to look at your daily habits, folks, because those could very well be the things stopping you from living a happy life.

Because of this, MStars News thought it best to enlighten you in order to aid you in breaking those habits that are causing your unhappiness.

5. Negative Thinking
Okay, we're not telling you to go all The Secret on us, but the truth is positive thinking begets positive change. At the very least, it allows a person to be more open to the possibilities life has to offer. Also, it just makes you much more enjoyable to be around.

4. Not Sleeping Enough
Not sleeping enough can cause a lot of things, and a sad life is one of them, folks. Sleep is your you time; it's your time to rest up and recharge your body, and kind of more importantly, your mind. So please, get some rest.

3. Being Unappreciative
This is something that many of us suffer from. We find ourselves being unappreciative of the wonderful things that can come from life. Can you afford a cup of coffee? Appreciate it. Can you go out to dinner with your loved one(s)? Appreciate it! Can you go home to a place you call yours? Appreciate it!

2. Being Down on Yourself
Similar to negative thinking, being down on yourself can drive you, well, down. Don't sell yourself short. Feeling you're small on the inside will only emit the same look on the outside. So face the day with an open mind, people.

1. Taking Life for Granted
Whatever you have, do not take it for granted. Much like appreciating life, you need to stop and take a look around at the things you have, because the truth is they could all be gone tomorrow.

Readers, any other habits we can break for a happier life? Let us know below.