'Killogy: The Animated Series': Marky Ramone, Frank Vincent, Brea Grant, Doyle Fight Zombies!

By Jorge Solis j.solis@mstarsnews.com | May 09, 2015 03:00 PM EDT

Based on the comic book from IDW Publishing, the artwork and writing of creator Alan Robert is brought to life in Killogy: The Animated Series. In the teaser, Frank Vincent, Marky Ramone, Brea Grant, and Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein lend their likenesses and voices as they take on the zombie apocalypse.

In the Killogy series, Sally Sno-Cones (Vincent), Summer Rhoades, (Grant) and Cole Edwards (Ramone) find themselves locked inside a prison cell. The three accused murderers need each other's help as the world outside is being ravaged by a zombie apocalypse. As we previously mentioned, Misfits horror-punk legend Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein starred in the special Halloween edition of Killogy,

In an interview with Rolling Stone, the Life of Agony bassist reveals the inspiration behind the comic book series, "When I was growing up, I must've seen Goodfellas and Raging Bull about 40 times each, easy. I mean, I can still recite entire scenes by heart. The same goes for my old Ramones records. They are total classics to me. So now, to be working with some of my childhood heroes, it's a great honor and at the same time, it's a bit surreal."

Check out the animated Killogy trailer here:

In the teaser trailer, the gang of misfits take on a disembodied, airborne zombie head. Brooklyn has suddenly become an apocalyptic war zone. After being asleep for centuries, a once dormant voodoo curse has awakened the dead and flooded the streets of New York in blood.

The Sopranos actor describes having his character transitioned from the comic book page to being animated, "When I was approached to lend my likeness to a comic book, I didn't know what that meant, but it was a big thrill for me. And now voicing [Vincent's character] Sally Sno-Cones in the 3D animation, it's amazing. I feel like Superman!"

The Ramones drummer adds, "If anyone can survive an ocean of blood and an army of possessed monsters, it's a drummer from Brooklyn!"

As we mentioned before, not only is Killogy getting the animated treatment, Roberts' upcoming The Shunned One is getting a big screen adaptation as well. In the plot, the Angel of Death has turned back on his true mission. After refusing to take any more innocent lives, the grim reaper is on the run from a pack of vengeful death angels.

Though no release date has been announced, the Killogy comic book series is available in stores now.

Readers, what do you think of the animated teaser?