Top 3 Ways to Lose Weight & Speed Up Your Metabolism for that Sexy Summer Body [VIDEO]

By Kyle Dowling | May 13, 2015 03:50 PM EDT

Most of us want to lose weight. At the very least, we want to tone up a bit and get in shape––especially because summer is just around the corner. Honestly, don't we all want that sexy body? Of course! Well, while exercise is undoubtedly one of the best ways to go about achieving that goal, the truth is that dieting is equally as important. But did you know that there are certain things you can do in the morning to speed up your metabolism and help you lose the weight you want to shed?

According to new reports, your metabolism not only burns calories, but it also helps in providing your body the necessary energy for it's most important functions. So it's probably best to speed that puppy up!

And what can we do? Let's take a look.

3. Morning Workouts
Okay, we know how terrible this sounds. Why would you want to get up even earlier than you have to get up for work just to head to the gym? Well, guess what, a study reports that if you work out in the morning, your body will continue to burn calories all day. So try getting up earlier, folks.

2. High Protein/Fiber Breakfasts
Protein, protein, protein! Huffington Post reports that we should avoid "refined carbohydrates" such as white flour and sugary drinks. Instead, go for foods like eggs, fruit or oatmeal in the morning.

And for the record, maybe you should always stay away from those sugary drinks.

1. Water
Speaking of staying away from sugary drinks, watch what you're drinking, people. Water is an essential part of speeding up your metabolism. Having water in the morning can "boost your metabolism by about 30% for up to an hour or more," says the report.

For more on what you can do to speed up your metabolism, check out Huffington Post.