Jennifer Lopez Ab Exercises [VIDEO]: Get the Booty & Stomach for that Sexy Summertime Bikini! [PHOTOS]

By Kyle Dowling | May 19, 2015 10:30 AM EDT

Summer is coming, folks. Don't we all want to look like Jennifer Lopez? Okay, (most) guys probably don't, but that doesn't mean they can't try out a couple of exercises, right? Lucky for us, J. Lo's ab exercises have recently been revealed, which means that this coming summer we'll all be walking around with sexy booty and stomach features perfect for that bikini, correct?

Yeah... probably not.

Regardless, for those who actually want to get into J. Lo-shape, has unveiled the workouts Lopez partakes in for that flat stomach. The publication's fitness editor Tracy Anderson recently dropped a video detailing just four moves you can use to nab you that Lopez stomach you've always wanted.

Take a look at Anderson's ab video below:

There you have it, folks. Apply the above exercises with 30 minutes of cardio, and you should be well on your way to looking like the American Idol judge in no time.

Okay, maybe not no time.

Of course, let's not gloss over the fact that if you're willing to stick to J. Lo's workout – and add in some other bootylicious moves – you could very well end up with the below, well, "Booty."

Summer is near. Let's get fit.