Celebrity Fitness Instagram [PHOTOS]: 3 Workout Motivation Tips to Grab a Sexy Summer Body

By Kyle Dowling kyle.dowling@mstarsnews.com | May 24, 2015 09:51 AM EDT

With the summer months coming, everyone is looking (and hoping) to get into shape. Well, okay, most people – some have probably just given up. Regardless, we could all use a little bit of motivation. And if the below celebrity Instagram photos don't help – because let's face it, we all love sexy celebs – we at MStars News have just a few ways to motivate you to get up off that couch and into the gym. Or, at the very least, outside for a jog.

So, what can we do to motivate ourselves into trying to grabbing that bikini or bathing suit body we really want? Let's see...

Set Goals
If we don't set goals for ourselves, then there's no way we'll know what we're looking to do. Therefore, start with small goals – walking a certain distance, lifting a small amount of weight, etc. – and slowly work yourself up.

Make A Routine
Stop with the "I'll go tomorrow" and "I'll do it tomorrow" excuses... because that's what they are. If you want to get into some sort of shape, then you've got to set some sort of routine for yourself.

Besides, we're humans – we love doing the same things over and over again. Why? Because we love doing the things we know!

If you're going to set goals and make a routine, you've got to stick with it, people. Don't push your workout off. If you've scheduled out time to go to a class or the gym you need to stick with it.

If that wasn't enough motivation, let's take a look at some of the fittest celebs around. You know, for motivational purposes... not because we just like gawking.