Can’t Lose Weight from Working Out? Top 5 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting in Shape

By Kyle Dowling | May 26, 2015 12:14 PM EDT

We feel for you, folks. You try working out but it's just not, well, working out for you. And while it's frustrating, it's important not to give up because there's probably some other reasons you're not losing any of that weight. Luckily, we've got a number of reasons why you're not really feeling the benefits of working out.

You know, if you're interested.

Oh, of course you are! So, let's take a look at MStars News' Top 5 reasons, shall we?

5. You're Not Getting Enough Magnesium
We know no one is going to go to the supermarket to see how much magnesium is in a certain food, but it turns out that people who take in more of the mineral have "lower blood sugar and insulin levels," according to Therefore, to take in more magnesium, try mineral-ing up your plates with foods like dark greens, soybeans and bananas.

4. "Diet" Soda
Yes, diet soda – it's so NOT regular soda so it must be good for you, right? Well, no. Research from the same report suggests that those who drink "diet" believe they're saving more calories than they actually are. Furthermore, this causes them to overeat.

3. Depression
Feeling down as of late? Well, this could be contributing to why you can't lose any weight. Something that helps curb that? Exercise!

2. Too Many Burgers
Stop. Eating. Burgers. Yes, they're amazing, but they're fatty and are seriously no good for you.

1. Beer
Seriously, cut out the booze – especially the beer. Or, at the very least, try sticking with under seven drinks a week. If that's hard for you, try being a Friend of Bill W.