7 Ways to Prep for National Doughnut Day on June 5: Free Food from Dunkin' Donuts & Krispy Kreme!

By Kyle Dowling kyle.dowling@mstarsnews.com | Jun 02, 2015 03:35 PM EDT

This coming Friday, June 5, is National Doughnut Day. Yes, it's an actual...holiday(?)...where the country celebrates its obesity problem and chows down on some doughy goodness covered with sprinkles, glazes and frostings alongside fillers such as custards, creams, jellies and chocolate kill-me-nows. Of course, it's also the one day we can get a free doughnut from the likes of Dunkin' Donuts and Krispy Kreme.

To help you prep for the day, MStars News has compiled a list of 7 ways you can make the day easier... for both you and your waistline. Not entirely, of course. Sadly, there's no saving the latter on this day. And actually, the former, too.

Anyway, let's check out how to prep for this coming National Fat Doughnut Day...

Take Off Work
Let's face it, if you want to be ready for doughnuts, your best bet is to take off work because otherwise you won't be able to concentrate on those reports, or whatever it is you do. Basically, you'll be a human version of Homer Simpson all day long, craving for doughnuts ... more than you already do.

Bring a Tote Bag
You can't just stop at one doughnut, people. The only "that's enough" comes when the bag is filled and your knees cave from weight (from the bag, of course). So bring a big tote to wherever it is you're nabbing that dough.

Buy a New, But Crappy, Pair of Sweat Pants
Make sure they fit, but be certain you don't mind filling them with powder, cream, custards and self-loathing. Doughnuts are messy, people; you can't go ruining those $70 J. Crew sweatpants with your free jelly doughnut...

Make Sure You've Paid Your Cable and Netflix Bill
Eating doughnut after doughnut (yes, we know only one is free but we also know you won't be able to stop gorging) will only cause your rear to be permanently glued to the couch like, well, you to doughnuts. Therefore, make sure you've paid both cable and Netflix because there's going to be a whole heap of binge-watching on June 5.

Load Up On Milk
What goes alongside doughnuts? Heart attacks! Milk! So make sure you load up, because you're going to need something to wash down all that dough... nut.

Stay Away from Mirrors... and People
We know you're not going to want to look at yourself by the end of your binge. Do you really want other people looking?

...didn't think so. The world thanks you.

Don't Make Any Weekend Plans
You need some recoup time. Spend a couple of days learning to act like a human again. You know, try some water; try some lettuce. Maybe live dangerously and have something that isn't fried. Just a thought.

National Doughnut Day is this coming Friday, June 5. Are you prepared?