Top 5 Vegan Diet Tips Following Beyonce ’22-Day Revolution’ Healthy Eating Reveal

By Kyle Dowling | Jun 08, 2015 01:19 PM EDT

As MStars News has reported, Beyonce officially came out and announced that the way she keeps herself in shape is with celebrity trainer Marco Borges' 22-Day Revolution, which aims to help people focus on more of a plant-based diet to keep them in shape and turn them into a vegan in just 21 days.

Borges cites his reasoning behind the diet to be the same as psychology's "21 Day" rule:

"Psychologists have learned that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit," he says, "so if you adopt a healthy habit over the course if 21 days, the 22nd day you'd be armed with a new habit."

So, what kind of tips can you use to become vegan? Well, let's see:

5. Start Your Day with Some Green
Per a report from USA Today, where one writer decided to follow the diet to see what actually happens, it appears that green is good. A vegetable smoothie made of kale, spinach, cucumber, lemon, ginger, an apple and a carrots kicks off the day. Sounds... good?

4. Cut the Coffee
This is probably the most accurate definition of a "bummer." Borges doesn't allow coffee in his diet. In fact, the reporter's only cheat day called for Earl Grey tea—not even black coffee! Which, well, sucks. 

Losing interest yet?

3. Learn to Love Gluten Free
Try some gluten free pizza and you'll be quite surprised. We promise. 'Nuff said.

2. Practice Portion Control
Eating too much healthy food is still eating too much of something. So try eating a tiny portion, wait 20 minutes, and take notice of how full you are.

Reports note that it takes 20 minutes for us to feel full. What our problem is, is that we stuff ourselves within the first 20 minutes and soon feel the aftermath all at once. Of course, it's worsened when what we're ingesting is a bacon cheeseburger with fries and alcohol... and yes, more alcohol.

1. Stick with It
Like with everything in life, you've got to put in some time before you notice results.

Readers, interested in giving the 22-Day Revolution vegan diet a try?