Caitlyn Jenner Keeping Gold Medal Following Petition, Olympic Controversy Surrounding Transition

By Mitch Thorpe, Mstars News writer | Jun 08, 2015 08:22 PM EDT

Keeping Up With the Kardashians star and decorated Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner might have just transitioned from Bruce to Caitlyn, but while the sex change has come with a lot of positive support, there has also unfortunately been some negativity to go along with it as well. There has been a petition making its way around the Internet saying now that the gold medalist has become a female, she should be stripped of her athlete accomplishments. Luckily, it doesn't look like the U.S. Olympic Committee is going to let that happen.

According to Us Weekly, while some folks aren't happy about the transition, that the Olympic Committee isn't going to take her medals away, at least if spokesperson Patrick Sandusky has anything to say about it. The rep spoke to the media site to explain the committee's stance on the situation.

"We admire Caitlyn Jenner's courage and wish her all the best," Patrick told the site, even adding, "We would happily consider any athlete's request to have his or her personal information updated in our records."

According to Bustle, not only will Jenner's medals be recognized by the U.S Olympic Committee, but also by the IOC, the International Olympic Committee.

The petition emerged earlier this month on, saying that because Jenner identified as a woman during the time that he was competing in the games that she was in violation of the rules.

The petition reads:

"We congratulate Ms. Jenner on these new developments and wish her the best. However, this creates somewhat of a problem as Ms. Jenner (as talented as she is) claims that she has always believed herself to be truly female, and therefore, was in violation of committee rules regarding women competing in men's sports and vice versa."

Well, it looks like the petition isn't going to hold any weight now.