Donald Trump NOT Running for President? Jon Stewart ‘Daily Show’ Shuts Down Early

By Kyle Dowling | Jun 24, 2015 11:59 AM EDT

Following Donald Trump's presidential announcement, it was reported that it took him some time to actually file the paperwork making him a presidential candidate for the 2016 Republication party. When Daily Show host Jon Stewart heard this, he decided to shut down his famed Comedy Central program early before the last show on Aug. 6, but luckily Trump ended up filing the paperwork just in time, officially making him a Republican candidate and having Jon Stewart keep his Daily Show on the air for five more weeks.

In a segment called Stupider Ascending, Stewart continued to mock Trump and his supposed run for President, particularly with jabs at his views on Mexico – and the fact that he's going to make them "behave" even though they're a country and not a five-year-old child – and how even Bill O'Reilly seems to think Trump is a bit absurd.

Take a look at Stewart's Stupider Ascending bit below:

This isn't the first time Stewart has taken down the Celebrity Apprentice star. Just after Trump announced his presidential campaign, the comedian and his team displayed what might be one of the funniest Daily Show bits ever.

Check out that video below:

Folks, what are your thoughts on Trump's run? It appears that New Hampshire is pretty psyched...