3 Exercises You Can Do in Under 30 Minutes: Total Body Workouts During Lunch!

By Kyle Dowling kyle.dowling@mstarsnews.com | Jul 07, 2015 12:02 PM EDT

One of the most overused excuses as to why people refuse to work out is that they don't have enough time. Of course, given the ever-increasing workweek, life, children, and, well, our addiction to social media, it is indeed hard to make time to keep our bodies in shape. But worry no longer, folks, because we've got a number of workouts we can do in just under 30 minutes.

Per a new report from Men's Health, the below list are three workouts that are all under a half an hour, but at the same time, are brutal in terms of work. Which is good because that means you can get an intense sweat in during your lunch break, folks.

So, let's take a look at how you can make your lunch break a little more beneficial, shall we?

Called "Row the Distance" in Men's Health, this exercises takes up just 20 minutes of your time, and it's pretty straightforward. All you need to do is either row or run for 20 minutes straight. Each time you do this, try and get farther and farther, distance-wise, setting goals every time you do so.

Working that upper core is key, folks. Therefore, Men's Health is suggesting a 20-minute exercise centered on benching and pull-ups. They're suggesting 135 lbs, but put as much as you can handle on the bench and do as many reps as possible. Then switch on over to dead hang pull-ups, also doing as many as you can. That equals one set.

Repeat the process five times, and rest in between sets for around two minutes.

This one's a little longer, hovering around 28 minutes. This exercise combines the Frog Hop, Split Jump, Burpee, Push-up and Hell Squat. Each of these combined will equal one hell of a total body workout. Here's how to do it:

"Perform the first exercise for 30 seconds," says the publication, "and then rest 30 seconds. That's one set. Do four sets total. After your final set, rest two minutes, then move on to the second exercise. Repeat the procedure until you've done all five exercises."

Check out descriptions of each of the above five exercises, as well as more under 30-minunte workouts, over on Men's Health.