Ryan Reynolds: 'Deadpool' Movie Costume Better Than 'Green Lantern' Mo-Cap Suit

By Jon Niles | Jul 08, 2015 02:41 PM EDT

According to Ryan Reynolds, there's "no comparison" between his 2016 Marvel comic book movie Deadpool and his infamous DC Comics adaptation Green Lantern, especially when it comes to the suits his characters wear. The new father has always been open about how Green Lantern wasn't exactly great, but he's even more talkative about using a practical costume in Deadpool as opposed to the motion-capture suit he wore his other film. Read more about Reynolds lamenting that CGI suit below.

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"I didn't even get to see the Green Lantern suit until the first trailer. I never even knew what it looked like," Reynolds revealed in a new interview with Screen Rant. "So [Deadpool] was a pretty great experience. I love having the tactile, real deal, all the time."

That's pretty astonishing when you think about it, especially since we've all been seeing plenty of Reynolds' Deadpool outfit since the movie began filming earlier this year. We can thank Ryan's Twitter account for that! In fact, Reynolds' just this week posted a funny message about the San Diego Comic-Con events. Check it out right here (via Slash Film):

"You can't even compare," Reynolds said of the comic book characters' suits (via IGN). "I mean, it's brutal doing a film where you're wearing a motion-capture suit for the whole time."

He added: "A lot of people relate to [Deadpool] because he has cancer. So we worked a lot with the Make a Wish Foundation, and those kids would come on set, and I loved hosting them. When I'd walk out in that suit, you'd watch their minds explode, and that felt amazing. That's something I never really got to experience before because there was no Green Lantern suit."

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