'Rocky Horror Picture Show' Reboot TV Special Coming to Fox

Although the project is merely "in development," The Rocky Horror Picture Show is coming to Fox as a two-hour TV reboot special of the original film and stage production. Fox announced that "the two-hour, pre taped event special, which is in development with a cast-contingent order, is executive produced by Gail Berman of The Jackal Group; the 1975 movie's producer Lou Adler; and Kenny Ortega, who is set to direct and choreograph." It seems like it will be a nice blend of not only the original creators, but with a director Ortega, who is known for movies like Hocus Pocus, High School Musical and Michael Jackson's This Is It. Also, Fox wants to make sure they can keep the musical genre, considering one of its top shows, Glee, has concluded this year.

There's already controversy amongst fans. On IMDB comment boards show some fans are complaining that there shouldn't be a program at all and that you can't beat the original. Many have statements about how the anniversary showings of the original film in local theaters is enough for them. Others are a bit more open-minded and are having fun with brainstorming their ideal cast of characters. Some want big names like Russell Brand as Dr. Frank-n-Furter or Kristen Bell as Janet. Others argue that the entire cast should be a group of no-namers and that that's why the original film was so successful because everyone was not as well-known as they are today and that that created the cult sensation that it is today.

There is no promotional material for the TV reboot yet but keep your eyes peeled. It should be an awesome special and I don't know about you, but I am now excited to see who they cast in these roles! In the meantime, check out a throwback trailer here!