Caity Lotz's White Canary Will Appear on 'Arrow' Before 'DC's Legends of Tomorrow'

By Andrew Meola | Jul 26, 2015 06:00 AM EDT

Caity Lotz will reprise her role as Sara Lance in DC's Legends of Tomorrow when it arrives on the CW, but she will appear as White Canary rather than Black Canary, the mantle taken up by her sister Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy). And now, executive producer Marc Guggenheim has confirmed that the character will appear on Arrow first!

"The White Canary will be launched in the first few episodes of Arrow," he told E! Online. "4x08, our typical crossover episode, will be doing a lot of heavy-lifting in terms of getting the Legends of Tomorrow characters set up and also seeing where they are with relation to The Flash. It’s a big episode."

In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Lotz talked about how she was pleasantly surprised at the chance to play the character again. "When you play a character for so long, you become really attached to them," she said. "I was so sad when she died. It's nice to know that she gets to come back to life. You only get to do that in the comic book world."

Legends of Tomorrow is a spinoff of Arrow and The Flash, so fans have already been thinking about crossover possibilities. And apparently Lotz is, too.

"I think the crossover potential is something that really excites me about the show, what I feel like sets it apart from all the other superhero shows," she said.

Lotz also talked about the time travel component of the show. "It's going to take us into a different world, not in the sense of another dimension. It's going to be a completely different vibe," she said. "That will be cool to think that if we're in a different time period, it's going to really shake up the show, really keep it exciting and different."

So with the chance of a crossover, could we see Sara and Laurel together as the Canaries? And if so, would they be on the same side? "Sara and Laurel's relationship has always been a pretty complicated one," she said. "I don't imagine that these recent events are going to make it any less complicated. I'm curious to see."

"Would they be fighting against each other?" Lotz continued. "Or would they be fighting on the same side? I don't think Sara would be into Laurel donning the mask and becoming Black Canary, just because she wouldn't have wanted her to have the same life that she had, that she wasn't so into all that darkness. I definitely hope that something happens, whether they fight together or against each other. It could be cool side by side. I'm into that."

What do you make of Lotz's remarks? Let us know in the comments section.