Comic Book Characters that Deserve Solo Movies from Marvel & DC: 5 Possible Films

By Jon Niles | Jul 30, 2015 03:45 PM EDT

We'll most likely never get sick of movies based on DC and Marvel comic book characters. We also understand that Hollywood will take just about any character from each company and make a film about them just to see what happens (see: Ant-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, the upcoming Deadpool,  Black Panther and Sinister Six movies and plenty more), so we decided to bring some great, film-worthy characters to your attention in one place. Instead of rebooting a franchise for the third or fourth time (we're looking at you Spider-Man), how about the studios look into cool characters that deserve their own solo films? Check out our list of the top five DC and Marvel characters we think should be on the big screen!

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Considering the recently released and upcoming movie projects from each studio, we believe that our list of comic book characters below would make for some great movies in their own right.

Teen Titans

We're all very aware that Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is setting up a Justice League movie, but Teen Titans would be a much better idea. It'll attract fans of the two animated series based on the characters and introduce us to some of the most powerful characters from the DC Universe (Starfire, Raven, etc.). Plus we get to reboot Robin!

Nightwing / Dick Grayson

Last Friday on Twitter we hosted question-and-answer chat session with the creative team behind GRAYSON. If you missed it in real-time, here's our collection of highlights:

Posted by DC Comics on Monday, June 22, 2015

The former "boy wonder" is all grown up and fighting crime in his own way. Warner Bros. can even keep this film in the cinematic universe that features an older Batman and the upcoming Justice League. It just really makes the most sense.

Cable & X-Force

See who joined our list of the top ten 1990's Marvel debuts as part of Marvel's 75th anniversary:

Posted by Marvel on Monday, October 6, 2014

Why don't we explore another group of mutants from the Marvel Universe outside of the Avengers and X-Men. Heck, X-Force is directly related to the X-Men with a badass leader by the name of Cable. Really, this movie would be about Cable and his enemy/ twin Stryfe.

Morbius: the Living Vampire

Find out the latest executions in Marvel AR this week: Featuring All-New X-Men, Iron Man, Morbius: The Living Vampire and New Avengers!

Posted by Marvel on Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Is the world over vampire movies yet? How about one of the coolest vampires from the Marvel Universe? He's a villain for Spider-Man, but evolves into a tragically flawed superhero. There are layers here!


Our #MarvelCharacterOfTheDay is Darkhawk: "Okay, now I'm the galaxy's most wanted." Read more:

Posted by Marvel on Tuesday, April 29, 2014

This character mixes Wolverine, Iron Man and a whole lot of other top-billing characters into one! A mysterious amulet allows a teenager to gain access to an android controlled by his own will. Audiences would really eat this up.

Let us know what you think of our list and name some characters you'd like to see on the big screen in the comments section below!