Bill O'Reilly Slams Liberals, Planned Parenthood for Selling Dead Babies [WATCH]

By Kyle Dowling | Aug 04, 2015 10:38 AM EDT

On last night's episode of The O'Reilly Factor host Bill O'Reilly took his viewers through "the problem with liberalism" during the show's famed Talking Points segment. He took on the political group (liberals), noting that no matter who the Democratic nominee for President will be, there is no doubt that they will "toe the liberal line," as he says. Another problem he has with the Liberal Party: the alleged incessant need to defend Planned Parenthood and their supposed selling of "parts of dead babies."

Calling those who support Planned Parenthood "morally bankrupt," O'Reilly went on to state that there's "no question" that the organization is in fact an "abortion factory." It's also not a question that Planned Parenthood sells "the body parts of dead babies or fetuses" – according to O'Reilly.

To that notion, he claims the Democratic Party simply does not care.

"My question tonight," he states, "is 'What happened to liberalism?'"

Calling back to the definition of the word, which sites the importance of fairness for an underdog and aiding those who are in need and defenseless, O'Reilly believes that liberals are counting out unborn babies and that the definition has forever been changed.

The Fox News host then explained that the demise of liberalism came at the same time as the Vietnam War, stating that it was fought in a "dishonest way."

Check out O'Reilly's segment on the supposed problem with liberalism below:

Is O'Reilly correct, folks? Is there now no difference between a Democrat and a socialist?

How about Planned Parenthood – is the organization selling dead baby parts and are those who support it morally bankrupt?