Top 3 Secrets on How to Live to 100 Years Old

By Kyle Dowling | Aug 09, 2015 02:50 PM EDT

The life expectancy of humans these days continues to grow. With that, several talks about living to 100 have been had – whether they be through legit studies or just a couple of barflies tossing a couple back at a Chili's. Regardless, several of us are looking for ways to continue walking down the journey of this wonderful thing called life. And with living longer, we're hoping that our journey will continue to be filled by that aforementioned walking and not, well, wheelchairs or something.

So, how can we live to 100 years old? The Huffington Post put together 100 ways we can do so. We, however, are going to give you the top 3 ways to do it. Above all, though – stop eating at Chili's.

That one was free.

Laughter is infectious. It's also, by nature, a happy reaction. HuffPost notes that a 2012 study found that among a group of 243 centenarians (a person who lives to be 100 or older) showed that the one thing they had in common was laughter.

So, if you're walking around all day glum you might want to pick yourself up. If you can't, fake it... because that, too, could lead to happiness.

Not only because more people will want to hang out with you (seriously, pessimistic people suck), but also for the fact that being more open to the possibilities life has to offer can actually make you live longer. Author Nir Barzilai ran the above study and noted, "When I started working with centenarians, I thought we'd find that they survived long in part because they were mean and ornery. But when we assessed the personalities of these 243 centenarians, we found qualities that clearly reflect a positive attitude towards life."

Barzilai further called the group "outgoing, optimistic and easygoing."

Seriously, there's no point in dreading age. It's going to happen! Also, getting older doesn't have to be a bad thing. Per a study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, adults who are more open to aging, and do not necessarily see it as a negative, lived "more than seven years longer" than the pessimistic.

Folks, what secrets do you have that can help us live to 100?