'Star Wars 7' Extended Trailer Rumors, Spoilers: New 'Force Awakens' Footage at 2015 D23 Expo?

By Jon Niles | Aug 12, 2015 06:00 PM EDT

According to a new Entertainment Weekly feature on Star Wars: The Force Awakens, director J.J. Abrams has confirmed that no new footage will be shown at the upcoming 2015 Disney convention, D23 Expo taking place in Anaheim, CA, later this week. This means we won't see a new extended trailer for Episode VII, which has a December 18 release date, any time soon...or does it? Keep reading to find out more about this news and the EW cover story!

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"It is true, we are showing no footage, behind the scenes or otherwise. In the fall, there'll be a trailer," Abrams revealed, according to IGN and Slash Film. "We're thrilled to go to D23 and meet the fans, but it's a tricky thing to try and rush [footage] for a convention or preexisting event that would, of course, be fun to show something at."

We won't see a new trailer or any footage from The Force Awakens this week at the Disney event.

This Entertainment Weekly coverage isn't all bad news, though! You can check out some great new photos from the upcoming film, including new characters right here (via Slash Film)!

So when will we get to see new footage and possibly an extended trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens? One bold guess comes from our friends over at Gamma Squad, suggesting that September 14, 2015 could be the premiere date of the newest footage. Why? Well, that's the start of Monday Night Football on ESPN, which is an apt audience for the film.

What do you think of this prediction and the D23 Expo news? Let us know in the comments section below!

While we wait for new footage, check out the latest International teaser trailer, which does have a few seconds of great new footage, right here: