Taylor Swift, Kobe Bryant [VIDEO]: “Bad Blood” Singer’s Staples Center Show Interrupted

By Staff | Aug 23, 2015 10:02 AM EDT

Is Taylor Swift a big Los Angeles Lakers fan? Well, who knows, but basketball star Kobe Bryant did in fact interrupt the singer's show at the Staples Center. So maybe he's just a big Taylor Swift fan? Again, who knows, but either way – there's no "Bad Blood" here.

Hooray for bad puns!

Anyway, it's being reported that Bryant stopped by to surprise the singer after she sold out her 16th show at the Staples Center – yeah, that's right. You read that correctly.

To honor her, Bryant unveiled a surprise banner. Thankfully, the Staples Center Instagram feed captured it all moment by moment...

Swift selling out 16 shows at the Staples Center is reportedly, according to Bryant, more than any other artist around.

So, suck on that Katy Perry. Huh, folks?

After the whole celebration went down, Swift took to her own Instagram account to ask: "WHAT IS LIFE EVEN."

Well, for Taylor Swift, life is even pretty damn good. Wait, does that make sense? Ah, who cares. The photos are what really matters.

In the end, nicely done, Ms. Swift. You're still on top of the world.