John Oliver ‘Last Week Tonight’ Fights to End Gay Rights Discrimination [WATCH]

By Kyle Dowling | Aug 25, 2015 12:35 PM EDT

After tackling heavy subjects such as sex education in schools and televangelism, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is setting their sights on gay discrimination. While it's now legal for the LGBT community to get married in the United States, Oliver notes that it is still legal to discriminate against gay people. Which, for those who cannot comprehend "everyone is created equal," is pure crazy talk.

"In 31 states," Oliver says, "people are at risk of being fired, evicted or refused service just because they're gay. So while federal law may guarantee a gay couple's right to get married, it offers exactly zero guarantees about their rights to do things that normally follow that."

The point of Oliver's topic is to bring to light the serious situation that sits in the fact that gay people are still being heavily discriminated in the United States, despite having won over the right to get married just a couple of months ago. Which means that while America is slowly creeping up to the rest of the world in our acceptance of civil rights, we're still having issues making it happen for real.

Per the report from Last Week Tonight, Arkansas has "anti-discrimination ordinances" but they also have an "anti-anti-discrimination ordinance" which "prevents any city or county from extending civil rights protections to gay people."

Which is, well, messed up.

Oliver's ending segments have becoming the talk of Monday mornings around the country. As of late, he's fought for more sexual education in schools and even started a debate in which the IRS is being urged to begin taxing televangelists. How did he do that? Well, by creating his own religion...

Find more of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Sunday nights on HBO at 11 p.m.