Sarah Palin Tells Immigrants to "Speak American" or Get Out of Our Country?

By Kyle Dowling | Sep 06, 2015 01:15 PM EDT

Sarah Palin is pretty much a walking headline. Whatever she says tends to lend itself to either a very funny or a very controversial headline––or both. This week's, however, is more towards the former. It might have been meant to stir up controversy and gain support from those who follow her but given the words chosen it's just plain funny. Palin, who ran to be the vice president back in 2008 with Republican candidate John McCain, is now telling immigrants to either "speak American" or get out of the country...

That's right, immigrants, not English. Speak American! Or 'Merican, as some might say it.

Palin recently spoke with CNN about Republican candidate Jeb Bush. She praised the brother to George W. for his bilingual abilities, claiming that it ties him heavily to the "large and wonderful Hispanic population" that our country has. Of course, it wasn't all kind words because Palin assured the people of our nation that she'd rather those residing in America speak, like we said, American.

During the interview, Palin said, "I think we can send a message and say, 'You want to be in America, a) you'd better be here legally or you're out of here, b) when you're here, let's speak American."

She further said that we should all "speak English" – corrected herself, we see – and added, "That's a kind of unifying aspect of the nation is the language that is understood by all."

Something that's not understood by all? That weird rambling speech Palin gave at the Iowa Freedom Summit:

Um, whaaaaaat?

So, Palin's comments on immigrants. Thoughts?