Donald Trump Says President Barack Obama Has Divided United States Racially

By Joseph Randazzo | Sep 08, 2015 10:35 AM EDT

A day doesn't go by where Donald Trump isn't going after somebody. On some days he veers off and decides to slam Megyn Kelly. On others his wrath stays on the political spectrum. For today's news cycle he is staying political and he is in vintage trump form by going after President Barack Obama. According to Trump, the President has divided this country racially when it comes to the public and the police. Trump told The Economist that the Obama Presidency has left us sitting on "many powder keys."

"Obama is the great divider, he has totally used race. And it should have been the other way around. He had an opportunity to unify and he didn't do that," he said. "We are sitting on many powder kegs. Whether it's Ferguson, or St. Louis, or like the other night, or Baltimore. Or different parts of Chicago."

Trump then said race relations are "almost as bad as they have ever been in the history of the country." The word he used to describe it was "tense."

"You asked about race relations, I think they're very tense. I think that Obama has divided the country as far as race relations are concerned, and I think that you have certain sections, and you have lots of different locations within this country that potentially are powder kegs," Trump continued.

When it comes to black voters Trump is apparently ahead of Hillary Clinton by 5%. He is at 45% and she's at 40%. In general, Trump is receiving 25% of the black vote in a general election matchup. To put this into perspective you have to look at past Republican candidates.

During the last election Mitt Romney was only able to get 6% of the black vote. In 2004, George W. Bush received 11% of the black vote.