Bill Maher Mocks Donald Trump’s Beef with Immigrants & Sarah Palin’s “Speak American” Rant

By Kyle Dowling | Sep 14, 2015 09:37 AM EDT

Comedian Bill Maher took the last few minutes of Friday night's Real Time to stick it to the leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin regarding their issues with illegal immigration. Maher went off on a sarcastic rant similar to that of Trump's during his presidential announcement – yes, the one in which he claimed Mexico was sending over their rapists. In this speech, however, Maher joked that with all the racist comments coming from Trump – and Palin's efforts to get everyone to "speak American" while in America – everyone seems to be missing that one group who continues to take over the U.S.: Australians.

Calling the world "so blind" about the main issue, Maher noted, "No one is paying attention to the ethnic group that's taking over this country while we blithely do nothing. F*cking Australians!"

From bartenders to surf instructors, it appears that everywhere, specifically Los Angeles, is being taken over by Australians.

And the unfortunate thing is that we're "just letting it happen!"

Maher's claimed that Australia is "not sending us its best people," noting that they are bringing drugs (enough for everyone, though) and rapists. Well, okay, people who do a lot of fornicating, at least. So, maybe not rapists.

The comedian's rant mocked Trump's initial presidential announcement, which was held at Trump Tower in New York City back in June. The former Celebrity Apprentice star asserted that his goal is to "Make America Great Again" – largely by keeping illegal immigrants out of the country and building a wall that separates our borders.

You know, the Trump Wall.

Oh, and he's got a big beef with China.

And of course, for some added pleasure, there's Palin's recent comments.