Bill Maher Defends Ahmed Mohamed Clock Arrest: Says It Looked Like Bomb

By Kyle Dowling | Sep 20, 2015 10:08 AM EDT

While the world was busy getting oh-so-angry over the recent arrest of 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed after he brought a clock into school that was mistaken for a bomb, comedian Bill Maher was putting together his support for the boy's arrest. That's right, the famed Real Time host admitted to having understood the perspective of the police in their arrest on Friday night's HBO episode, claiming that the clock made by Mohamed "looks exactly like a f*cking bomb."

While Maher says that he was undoubtedly owed an apology, he asked for a little perspective, questioning his guests on whether or not the teachers really did anything wrong. Of course, he's talking about the teachers who believed the clock resembled a bomb.

The panel seemed rather divided, with Univision's Jorge Ramos – you know, that guy Donald Trump had kicked out of his press conference – strongly believing that the only reason for any alarm was due to Mohamed's name and the color of his skin.

Maher appeared to be a bit riled up with that notion, claiming, "Excuse me, somebody look me in the eye right here and tell me over the last 30 years if so many young Muslim men – and he is young, 14, but not that it hasn't happened before – hasn't blown a lot of sh*t up around the world."

He further noted that he "deserves an apology because he isn't one of them," but claimed that over the last three decades the Muslim religion has incessantly "blown sh*t up" all around the world.

With that in mind, Maher appears to be sympathetic to the fear and alarmism that was brought about by 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed's science project.

The segment ended with the panel still being divided but it did stir up some rather great conversation and talking points.
