Pope Francis Climate Change: Bill Maher Asks Why Republicans Ignore Papal Opinion?

By Kyle Dowling kyle.dowling@mstarsnews.com | Sep 28, 2015 03:18 PM EDT

Comedian Bill Maher found himself torn during Friday night's episode of Real Time when it came time to discuss Pope Francis and his recent visit to the United States. While claimingto be sitting on the fence in regards to his majesty (or whatever you call him) and his opinions, he does agree with him on one issue: climate change. Unfortunately, the Republican Party seems wary of the Pope's views on this, and Bill Maher cannot seem to understand why.

"I think it's just awesome that this pope took on this issue," Maher stated. He further claimed that he loved how former Speaker of the House John Boehner invited Pope Francis in to speak to Congress, and when he did, he brought up a subject that a large percentage of Republicans disagree with.

For the record, the Pope's view on climate change is that we should do something; (most) Republicans feel that it's not a truly important, or alarming, issue. Maher, of course, sides with the Pope.

(Hold up – did we just type that?)

As most of us know (and if you don't we're afraid something might be severly wrong with you), Pope Francis recently stopped by for a U.S. tour. He landed in Washington early last week and was greeted by President Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and family.

After speaking in Washington, he made his way to New York City and eventually traveled to Philadelphia, where he delivered a mass to a reported 1 million people.

Beat that, Taylor Swift!

Find more from Real Time with Bill Maher Friday nights on HBO at 10 p.m.