Andrew Sullivan, Bill Maher Feud Over Hillary Clinton: Is She “Talent Free?”

By Kyle Dowling | Oct 12, 2015 10:46 AM EDT

Say what you want about Hillary Clinton, but the Democratic hopefully certainly is determined to be the next President of the United States. But if you ask Andrew Sullivan, it appears she's "talent free." The conservative blogger appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday night and got into a little feud and heated debate with host Bill Maher. And, well, it was a little ugly...

Sullivan reportedly entered the conversation while Maher was discussing Ben Carson and his comments from last week – you know, when he said that if he were involved in a mass shooting like those in Oregon he would round everyone together to attack the shooter – which then switched over to Republican frontrunner Donald Trump and his comments about deportation. Sullivan asked, "Who's up against this guy? This unbelievably useless, terrible candidate of Hillary Clinton."

He. Did. NOT. (He did.)

Sullivan further listed reasons for which he believes Clinton is unable to be president, further noting that "a large majority of the country don't believe a word she's saying for good reason."

To that, Maher noted that it's the press who is giving her a hard time, not so much Clinton's campaign. Though Sullivan's thought is that her email scandal really messed things up.

"She's a talent free hack," Sullivan said. Which is pretty much when Maher seemed to lose it, biting back, "She's not a talent free hack, Andrew! She's not a hack." He then asked why the blogger hates Clinton so much. "Were you molested by a real estate lady or something?"

Sullivan stated that he surely doesn't hate Clinton, but instead finds her to be incredibly mediocre, and thinks the Democrats ought to seek a candidate who demonstrates both "talent" and leadership."

Here's the debate: