19 Arrested At Mall: Ford City Mall In Chicago Shut Down By Teens, Massive Fight Leaves Two People Injured During Mindless Behavior Concert [VIDEO]

By Mereb Gebremariam, Mstars Reporter | Feb 24, 2013 09:28 PM EST

19 teenagers were arrested at a Chicago mall on Saturday. According to ABC News, police received a disturbance call at the Ford City Mall, which left two people with minor injuries. Those involved were men and women between the ages of 13-18.

According to ABC News, "Police say a large group of teens started causing chaos inside the mall. The disturbance continued in the parking lot, where some teens climbed on top of cars. Most are charged with misdemeanor mob action. A 16-year-old is charged with battery of a mall security guard who was trying to evacuate the mall."

A massive crowd turned out for the performance of boy band "Mindless Behavior" and the teens became rowdy. Senior general manager John Sarama says the violence was not related to the group, and it's unclear whether or not the teens were under alcohol or drug influence.

Police gave the teens several warnings in order to disperse the crowd before making any arrest in the mall's parking lot. The ruckus caused the mall to shut down for security reasons. Out of the 19 arrested, only one may have to go to court.

View more videos at: https://nbcchicago.com.