Democratic Debate: Bernie Sanders Slams Wall Street Billionaires for Being Greedy

By Kyle Dowling | Oct 14, 2015 11:31 AM EDT

Tuesday night's Democratic Debate got a bit heated at times, and we can thank democratic socialist Bernie Sanders for that. During the primary debate, Sanders slammed Wall Street bankers and billionaires for being money-hungry, greedy folk and loudly expressed that he's in no way associated with that party.

During the debate, Sanders announced that it's not Congress who regulates Wall Street, but actually Wall Street who regulates Congress.

"Do I consider myself part of the casino capitalist process, by which so few have so much and so many have so little?" he said. "No, I don't."

As The Huffington Post reports, it was a pretty #SickBern.

Bernie's Best BernsBernie Sanders made the debate stage #FeelTheBern with these lines last night.

Posted by The Huffington Post on Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sanders was joined by the likes of Hillary Clinton, Martin O'Malley, Jim Webb and Lincoln Chafee on the debate stage. Many reports are going back and forth between whether or not Clinton or Sanders actually won the debate, but it's pretty unanimous that a few thing did happen: 1) O'Malley did pretty well, 2) Jim Webb didn't win, and 3) Lincoln Chafee checked out once Anderson Cooper asked him the first question.

Folks, did you check out last night's debate? Any thoughts?

Twitter loved it...

Well, this guy didn't really care for it: