Hillary Clinton Perfectly Answers Email Scandal Question During Democratic Debate

By Kyle Dowling kyle.dowling@mstarsnews.com | Oct 14, 2015 04:27 PM EDT

During Tuesday night's primary Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton found her integrity in question, largely from fellow candidate Lincoln Chaffee. Moderator Anderson Cooper brought up the much talked about subject – at least, mainly from the right wing – of Clinton's emails, in which she used a private server to send emails dealing with national issues. While most candidates agreed that the denizens of the United States were through with the topic, it seemed Chafee couldn't help but disagree.

When asked his view on the email scandal, Chafee argued, "Any time someone's running to be our leader, a world leader, which the American president is, credibility is an issue." He further claimed that Clinton's scandal doesn't have the "best ethical standards" around.

Cooper then gave the former Secretary of State the chance to respond. To which she immediately dismissed the issue and answered, "No."

And, well, the crowd seemed to enjoy that answer.

Sorry, Chafee.

But of course, the best line of the night, which also happened to be in regards to Clinton's emails, was from Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who explained Americans were sick and tired of hearing about the former First Lady's "damn emails."

The Clinton email scandal has been a hot issue on the right, one that they say specifically attacks her integrity and puts her morals in question. Earlier this week, President Barack Obama did an interview with 60 Minutes, in which he claimed that the email scandal was undoubtedly a mistake but that it also wasn't as big a deal as the Republican Party is making it out to be.

Obama isn't the only one with these thoughts, as comedian Bill Maher expressed similar views on Real Time just a few weeks ago. Maher explained that he's trying to be sympathetic to the GOP on this issue, but just cannot seem to make himself care.