‘Pretty Little Liars’ Shay Mitchell Talks New Movie 'Mother's Day' & Novel 'Bliss'

By Shazmin Taylor shazmin.taylor@mstarsnews.com | Oct 15, 2015 09:41 AM EDT

Pretty Little Liars actress Shay Mitchell recently shared her past concerns over her age while playing a high schooler and facing a quarter-life crisis in the midst of a budding career. With her latest projects including her new novel Bliss and upcoming film Mother's Day keeping her busy, it looks like she's still keeping afloat.

"I think you get to that certain point where at times you are very certain of where you're wanting to head or what career you're wanting to do, and then other times you're like, 'Oh my gosh, I'm 25. What am I doing?'" she said in a recent interview.

Mitchell, 28, faced anxieties about her future prior to auditioning for PLL. She used vision boards to stay focused on her goals of pursuing acting one day.

"I was working as a cocktail waitress in Toronto; had recently broken up with my boyfriend," she said. "I didn't know if I wanted to stay in Toronto or move back to Vancouver where my parents and friends were. It was really tough."

Mitchell recently took on the project of writing a story with her best friend Michaela Blaney. The novel, Bliss, which went on sale last week, follows three girls Sophia, Demi, and Leandra, as they journey through their twenties trying to find happiness during the ups and downs of growing up. The best friends came up with the idea while chatting in a living room and started to write down ideas on a marker board.

"We wrote all of these different things down from our lives and we stepped away from it, looked at the board and realized this was a lot of content," she said. "We could put this in a book and share some of our stories, our life experiences and our life lessons in it."

In the novel, Sophia dreams of being an actress and is facing a hard time getting her first break; Demi is at a crossroad in her life following a recent breakup and Leandra hopes to travel after finishing college. The three girls embody the relationships and challenges every twenty-something girl faces as they become older and independent.

Mitchell just finished wrapping up filming for the upcoming movie, Mother's Day and is currently on hiatus from PLL which returns with new episodes in January. She commented that her recent projects are letting her act like the adult she is today.

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