5 Reasons Josh Holloway, Sarah Wayne Callies' 'Colony' On USA Network MUST-SEE TV After NYCC!

By Jorge Solis j.solis@mstarsnews.com | Oct 16, 2015 05:00 PM EDT

Created by Carlton Cuse (The Strain) and Ryan Condal (Hercules), USA Network gave Colony its own premiere at the 2015 New York Comic Con. This is the perfect opportunity to discuss why Josh Holloway (Lost) and Sarah Wayne Callies (The Walking Dead) make the sci-fi show must-see TV.

As we perviously mentioned, Colony is set in the near future of Los Angeles. The city of angels now exists in a state of occupation by a force of outside intruders. There are some people who choose to collaborate with the authorities and benefit from the new order. There are also others who rebel against the system and suffer the consequences.

We have five reasons why we loved watching Colony at the New York Comic Con here:

5) It's A Lost Reunion!!

The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. scribe was executive and co-showrunner of the popular Lost series. The Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol action star played James "Sawyer" Ford, the conniving and sarcastic anti-hero on Lost. Since the show ended, Holloway developed his acting chops as the leading man on Intelligence and Cuse took a twist on the zombie genre in the American adaptation of Les Revenants (The Returned). Because they've done different projects in the meantime, this Lost reunion doesn't feel forced (cough Coach cough).

4) The Chemistry Is There!!

Before she became zombie fodder on The Walking Dead as Lori Grimes, Callies will always be nurse Sara Tancredi from Prison Break to me. When you think about it, Callies had to hold her own with her tough guy co-stars Dominic Purcell and Wentworth Miller. In Colony. Will Bowman (Sawyer) and Katie Bowman (Callies) play husband and wife who struggle to keep their family together after losing their son due to the the alien invasion. You have to feel the emotional intensity between them. Talk about great casting because Callies and Holloway have such a dynamic relationship on-screen.

3) It's Smart Sci-Fi!!

This critic prefers his horror to be suspenseful and his sci-fi to be thought-provoking. I love how director Juan José Campanella gave a European vibe to the pilot. You have these epic wide shots of an alien-occupied Los Angeles that deliver the top-notch special effects. Like the 1983 V miniseries, not talking about the remake, Colony evokes a metaphor for Nazi Germany. The show has something to say about, asking the question; are we doomed to repeat ourselves?

2) Let The Mystery Begin

During the East Coast Convention, not only did viewers stay for the screening and Q&A, they were also given a promo postcard. Attendees held in their hands a postcard featured four buttons based on the show's street propaganda. On one side, there is the Occupation, and on the other side is the Resistance. The red button is the first mention of Geronimo, a character who may possibly the "key" to the storyline of the series. Who's going to play Geronimo on the show?

1) There's So Much More To Come

According to Variety, Adrian Pasdar (Heroes) and Kathryn Morris (Cold Case) will play a married power couple in ithe freshman season. In recurring roles, Nolan (Pasdar) is an important player in the political game of the occupational government. Charlotte (Morris) is a a cultural director and patrician in the Green Zone. Also joining the cast is Thora Birch, who I haven't seen since American Beauty. Birch plays Morgan, who happens to be software engineer with a conscience. Can't wait to see what they do here on the show!

The Colony is scheduled to premiere January 14, 2016 on USA Network.

Readers, are you excited to see Colony?