Bernie Sanders, Bill Maher Interview: Democratic Debate Participant Questioned on ‘Real Time’

By Kyle Dowling | Oct 18, 2015 11:58 AM EDT

Larry David might do an amazing Bernie Sanders impression, but it's Real Time host Bill Maher who is getting the interview with the Democratic debate participant. The comedian recently had the Vermont Senator on his HBO program, and together, the two tried to figure out just how to get Sanders the Democratic nomination.

Maher welcomed Sanders into the Real Time seat and immediately joked that the last person to cause such a stir around the world, whose age equates to the politician's, was Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger. Naturally, Sanders took it with humor and even found it enjoyable when Maher explained that he was searched on Google more times than "Justin Bieber's penis" following the debate.

Which, as we might all imagine, is pretty shocking. (and maybe not correct...)

Anyway, after a few seconds of jokes, Maher went into picking apart the term "socialist" – a term he believes people automatically shy away from when they hear it. Because of this, he felt it a duty to aid Sanders in defining the word and "un-demonizing" it because, well, he's hoping Sanders gets the nomination.

"I want to help your campaign," he said. "I want to see you get the nomination. I want to see you be president."

The two then further discussed the term, which Sanders claims is one that can sometimes be used when discussing certain American ways, but perhaps people just do not recognize it.

After hitting socialism – which we're not really too sure whether or not they did in fact un-demonized it – Sanders and Maher hit health care, wealth inequality, the American prison system and touched largely on education and taxes, two big issues in Sanders's campaign.

Folks, thoughts?