Bernie Sanders to Explain ‘Democratic Socialism’ in Speech After Larry David ‘SNL’ Appearance

By Kyle Dowling | Oct 19, 2015 04:10 PM EDT

So, just what is this term "democratic socialism" that Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders keeps slinging around? Well, fear not, because the presidential hopeful is planning a "major speech" to clarify just what he means. Now, whether or not he'll have Curb Your Enthusiasm star, and doppelganger, Larry David do it for him, given his recent appearance on Saturday Night Live, remains to be seen.

(Note: He probably won't.)

Per a report from The Washington Post, Sanders said on Sunday that he's going to be prepping a speech in order to educate the American people on what the term "democratic socialism" means. It's one that he's been saying for some time now, and since he's oh-so-close to (possibly) earning the Democratic nomination, it seems Sanders believes it's best to set the record straight.

"I think we have some explaining and work to do," Sanders said during a house party in Iowa. (No, not that kind of house party.) He further admitted that the term is unsettling to many people; in fact, he notes that he's even aware it makes some people "very, very nervous."

So, just what is democratic socialism? Perhaps the below video can give you a better idea:


Sanders appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher this past Friday to discuss his campaign. During the interview, Maher admitted that he feels Sanders needs to do a better job at "un-demonizing" the idea of both socialism and democratic socialism.

The comedian also expressed that he's hoping Sanders gets the nomination because he would love to see the senator in the White House. And he's not alone, both Mark Ruffalo and Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane have showed their supported for Sanders.