Martin O’Malley Talks Gun Control, Slams Hillary Clinton Democratic Debate on ‘Daily Show'

By Kyle Dowling | Oct 20, 2015 02:43 PM EDT

Democratic presidential hopeful, and guy who almost-but-didn't-really make a mark at last week's CNN debate, Martin O'Malley, appeared on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah on Monday night to discuss his campaign. During the interview, the two hit all the hot topics: O'Malley's good looks and his issue with Ben Stiller, and yes, even other things like gun control and that little tiff he had with fellow Democrat, Hillary Clinton, during the debate.

Noah kicked off interview noting that O'Malley "looked like a president" during the debate. Which is probably something he can't really say about Lincoln Chafee (sorry dude...). Of course, the Daily Show host apparently cannot vote, so, well, his attraction to O'Malley means nothing other than it's a nice thing to say.

"One of the most divisive issues, for some strange reason right now, seems to be gun control in America," Noah said. He then asked just what O'Malley means by the term, as it is reportedly being misconstrued by both those for and against guns.

To answer that, O'Malley, much like he did in the debate, talked about Maryland.

"In Maryland, after the slaughter of the innocent in Newtown, Connecticut, we pulled people together to pass comprehensive gun safety legislation. The components of it were essentially these: we banned the sale of combat assault weapons, we required licenses for the purchases of new guns, and universal background checks."

With that in mind, O'Malley would attempt to establish this on a national level, should he become president. But, you know, we're not sure that'll actually happen.

Our apologies, O'Malley.

Noah then switched to the debate and the little quarrel O'Malley had with the democratic frontrunner. On her politics, the Maryland hopeful claims Clinton is not capable of coming down hard on Wall Street the way democrats need to.

Which is probably something Bernie Sanders agrees with.