Chris Brown, Nia Guzman Make Peace: Baby Royalty Custody Battle Over?

By Mereb Gebremariam | Oct 26, 2015 02:23 PM EDT

Chris Brown is looking to resolve his issues with Royalty's mother Nia Guzman and have allegedly decided to co-parent their one-year-old princess and leave their messy past behind.

According to TMZ, the parents met to discuss how to raise their daughter and reportedly agreed to attend her classes with her as well as to look into preschools for her as a family, sources say.

Recently, the former lovers went back-and-forth about finances and custody after Nia demanded more money after she claimed their daughter wasn't safe from his crazy fans.

The "Fine China" singer slammed his former lover for keeping him away from Royalty, but allowing King Ba near her after blasting his gang affiliation and legal drama through the media while in a heated custody battle, "All that safety talk and not allowing me to see my daughter contradicts everything. Funny how I work a legit job and love my daughter to the fullest and I'm in her life. Well, if it ain't the pot calling the kettle black. #goddontlikeugly," he posted on The Shade Room comments.

Nia's family lawyer explained that their daughter's necessities will cost far more than the average toddler because of his celebrity status, "Royalty needs clothing, food, shelter, and with Royalty being Chris' daughter, Nia absolutely wants Royalty to have security. You'd be horrified with the life Nia's forced to live here in Houston."

Her attorney explained, "The paparazzi and regular citizens themselves come up to Nia every day while she's in the grocery store, pumping gas, and even while she's in the park playing with Royalty. They're taking pictures, invading their space and Nia is very scared and concerned for Royalty's safety as well as her own."

Hopefully, for the sake of Royalty everything works out!

What are your thoughts on the family love?