Mike Tyson Supports Donald Trump as POTUS While Promoting New Adult Swim Show

By Kyle Dowling kyle.dowling@mstarsnews.com | Oct 27, 2015 11:52 AM EDT

It looks as if Donald Trump has earned himself yet another vote in the presidential race. It's being reported that legendary boxer, and occasional face-tattoo supporter, Mike Tyson has endorsed Trump's run for the President of the Unites States.

The new endorsement came when Tyson was appearing on HuffPost Live to discuss his new Adult Swim series Mike Tyson Mysteries. It appears that the boxer is through with the way the American political system has been for the past couple of decades, and like many people (so he claims), he too is looking for something new. Perhaps someone with an eye and a mind for business... and a reality TV show based on it all.

"Let's try something new," he told Huffington Post's Alex Miranda. "Let's run America like a business, where no colors matter. Whoever can do the job, gets the job."

When asked his thoughts on Trump as of today, Tyson quickly came out saying, "He should be President of the Unites States."

The champ further acknowledged that he doesn't understand the backlash Trump has faced, largely because he notes that at the end of the day, Trump is just a man who makes mistakes. And despite some "crude" comments made against the Latino community during his presidential bid announcement – you know, his first day – Tyson firmly believes Trump isn't a racist.

In the interview, Tyson questioned why the American people don't want a guy like Trump in the office. "Why wouldn't anybody like that, a guy that came from where he came from and doing what he's doing?"

For the record, "where he came from" was a $1 million loan from his father, Fred Trump.

Tyson further noted that the fact that Trump has been able to make such a splash in the political sphere after having no experience in the industry in the past only strengthens the argument that the denizens of the Unites States are tired of what the government has been doing in the past.
