CBS' 'Supergirl' Ep 1 Spoilers: Twitter Reacts Melissa Benoist, Laura Benanti Premiere Twist!

By Jorge Solis | Oct 27, 2015 08:00 PM EDT

CBS finally aired the pilot premiere of DC Comics' Supergirl. In Episode 1, Twitter had lots to say about the shocking cliffhanger between Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) and her extraterrestrial mother, Alura Zor-El (Laura Benanti).

In our pilot recap, Superman's cousin, Kara, has been living quietly amongst the humans. Her secrecy changes when Kara's sister, Alex (Chyler Leigh) is about to die in a horrible plane crash. After stopping the plane crash in mid-air, everyone wants to meet the new heroine, Supergirl, especially Jimmy Olson (Mehcad Brooks) and the super villain, Vartox. As the plot to invade earth thickens, Supergirl will have to eventually face her Kryptonian aunt and mother's twin sister, Astra (Benanti).

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg explains the twist, "We thought it was really exciting that the villain be part of Kara's family that Kara thought was dead. But beyond that, she's her mother's twin sister. Even though it's not her mother, the big bad of the year wears her mother's face. That's certainly going to create emotional issues for Kara when she's placed in situations where, perhaps to save Earth, she's going to have to end her aunt's life."

Check out what Twitter had to say about Supergirl's aunt being the Big Bad:

@DavidRP91 tweets, "@EW Yes! @LauraBenanti playing a villain is the best thing ever. Can't wait for Kara to face off against auntie dearest #Supergirl"

@sassblckneighbr states, "I don't know anything about the lore of Superman/#Supergirl but I like that the Big Bad is a shady auntie."

@WeSoNerdy responds, "That was such an awesome premiere! Lots of girl power + the twist at the end with Evil Auntie! We're all in for @supergirlcbs! #Supergirl"

@_petagayle adds, "soooooo her auntie is trying to kill f*cked is that. #supergirl"

@unicornprinceCA mentions, "Evil Auntie not having #Supergirl lol. Pretty good first episode very optimistic for this series. @GBerlanti has a magic touch"

@man_crush writes, "Oh snap, Auntie General is a bish. I love her already #Supergirl"

Supergirl continues Mondays 8pm on CBS.

Readers, what did you think of the Supergirl twist?