John Oliver: Donald Trump Lying About ‘Last Week Tonight’ Invite? Calls HBO Show “Boring”

By Kyle Dowling | Nov 02, 2015 09:11 AM EST

Over the weekend, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump took to Twitter to explain that he recently declined an offer to appear on John Oliver's HBO program, Last Week Tonight. Trump claimed that he ultimately refused due to the show being poorly rated and "very boring." Once the show heard about it, they released a statement, also via Twitter, to basically note that Donald Trump is a liar.

On Saturday, while the world was busy enjoying their Halloween, Donald Trump was on Twitter (or whoever handles his account was) to let the world know the below:

The next day, Last Week Tonight responded with:

Following the tweet, Oliver then retweeted it from his personal Twitter account.

So, why the bad blood with Donald Trump? Well, who knows; it's possible that Oliver has mocked the former GOP frontrunner in the past – let's be real, he probably has – so perhaps it's not such a shocker. Having said that, it may be better for Trump if he stays clear of starting a Twitter war with John Oliver.

Though, our guess is that Oliver wouldn't appease Trump with such a childish game.

Oliver recently appeared on CBS This Morning to discuss his show, which has now been picked up for two more seasons. When the interview landed on the subject of politics, the former Daily Show correspondent admitted that the American presidential process is "undeniably long" – possibly even too long – and involves much talk with little actually being said.

On the GOP favorite, Oliver admitted to not having a care for Donald Trump. In fact, when asked whether or not he would like to have him on the program, he delivered a solid "no," noting that he has "nothing to say to him."

"He's an open book," Oliver said, "and that book doesn't have many interesting words in it."