Starbucks’ Red Holiday Cups Offend Christians, Creates War on Christmas?

By Kyle Dowling | Nov 09, 2015 09:41 AM EST

You may have seen some red coffee cups floating around your neighborhood this past weekend, as Starbucks recently unveiled their minimalistic-looking holiday cups just last week. But one group who won't be toting around the joyful coffee holders? Christians. It's being reported that the cups have inadvertently angered Christians because they believe Starbucks has now declared a war on Christmas.

The Starbucks cups of the past holiday seasons have held anything from snowflakes to ornaments on the sides, but the new 2015-2016 holiday cups are nothing but a gradient of red.

Per a report from Today, the "Symbols of the Season" have been removed to allow Starbucks drinkers the chance to place in their own art. Which may or may not just be a fancy way of saying, "Oops, didn't think people would care this much."

Anyway, Today Show anchor Savannah Guthrie notes that a war is "igniting on social media." The hashtag #MerryChristmasStarbucks has been trending on Facebook for some time.

"When I am going into Starbucks early in the morning looking for coffee," states fellow Today anchor Matt Lauer, "it could have pictures of me naked on them. I wouldn't even notice. I just need the cup of coffee!"

Sadly, Guthrie admitted that if she saw that she'd undoubtedly place the cup down. Sorry, Lauer.

So, folks, what do you think about the red holiday cups? Hopefully we're in an agreement in saying, who cares!?