Donald Trump: “Bomb the Sh*t” Out of ISIS Comment Slammed by Bill Maher on ‘Late Show’

By Kyle Dowling | Nov 18, 2015 11:19 AM EST

Real Time host Bill Maher appeared on Monday night's episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. While sitting panel, the two got into a rather interesting, and at times awkward, conversation about the Paris attack at the alleged hands of ISIS. Maher brought up GOP hopeful Donald Trump's recent comment about bombing "the sh*t" out of the Islamic State group and noted that it's ridiculous to respond to the extremists with anything other than your brain.

On the subject of Trump's ISIS comment, Maher explained, "Very presidential, isn't he?" He then continued onward in true Trump fashion, impersonating, "I will bomb the sh*t out of ISIS."

Colbert responded saying that the comment is "appealing" – observing that Trump said the remark the very night before the actual Paris attacks, and since then, that sort of thinking appears to be the typical emotional response from many people. "It really does scratch an itch," he said, adding, "But what does that achieve?"

To which Maher responded that thinking with emotion achieves nothing.

"The bombing is not going to wipe them out. You cannot wipe people out."

Part two of the comedian's interview with Colbert was largely made up of that much talked about religion debate from Tuesday, in which the former attempted to (jokingly) persuade the latter to come back to his religious roots laid in Catholicism.

Naturally, after the religion conversation ended, the two went right back into politics – kind of. They ended the interview on a Dr. Ben Carson impression and some bit about Trump performing a sex act.

Tune in for more from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert weeknights on CBS at 11:35 p.m. Real Time with Bill Maher airs Friday's at 10 p.m. on HBO.