Kanye and North West Can Now Cease Run-ins With the Paparazzi at LAX

By Claire Howard Claire.Howard@mstarsnews.com | Nov 20, 2015 07:46 PM EST

How many times have we seen Kanye West complain, rant and almost beat up a few Los Angeles paparazzi when arriving or departing from Los Angeles International Airport? North West, only a toddler, shows her disdain as well when she is bombarded by flashing lights without her consent. Now, LAX has figured out the problem and how to cease run-ins with the paparazzi. Fortune and The Wall Street Journal both tell us that that LAX officials have developed a private terminal for celebrities and others (who have the means to pay for it of course).

I know what you're thinking ... just how much does this cost, what are the extra perks that come along with it and do I still have to use the same Transportation Security Entrance? For the hefty price of $1,500 to $1,800 per trip, a private entrance is provided where you will be escorted through a private security screening leading to the exclusive VIP Terminal rightfully named, Los Angeles Suites.

Does the airport even have the space to build another terminal? Yes. The private gate will be built in an unused cargo office. While they are still waiting for approval, with all the money LAX is going to make for this service, building will commence in no time.

Los Angeles Suites is a great idea but LAX is not the first airport to do this. Amsterdam, Dubai, London and Paris already have the same type of set-ups. Maybe this is why West voices his love for Paris all the time. Delta Airlines however, is the only air carrier that has offered a private driver to meet its passengers on the tarmac with their luggage and escort them to their car.

Stay strong West, help is on the way!