Jodi Arias Trial LIVE STREAM: Juan Martinez Cross Examination Of Travis Alexander's Killer Memory Loss, Sentenced To Death Most Likely?

By Mereb Gebremariam, Mstars Reporter | Mar 07, 2013 11:33 AM EST

Jodi Arias goes on the stand today to prove that she killed her boyfriend, Travis Alexander out of self-defense. The 32-year old has been very emotional on the stand as Juan Martinez grilled her about her brutal attack that left her former lover dead in his bathroom.

The brunette shot Alexander in his face, stabbed him 27 times, and slashed his throat. Although, Arias has no recognition of slitting his throat or stabbing him, she does admit to shooting him with his own gun to protect herself when he tried to attack her. Martinez tried to prove that Arias planned on killing him when she stole her grandfather's.

Martinez even pointed out to the Jury that Arias had lied to his, friends, family, and herself after she brought flowers to Alexander's grandmother and wrote an entry to herself acting as if nothing ever happened in order to cover her tracks. When Martinez asked her why did she bring flowers to his grandmother knowing that she had killed him, she responded "it would have been worse" if she hadn't.

The killer broke down countless times in court after Martinez tried to force her to look at the photographs of her lifeless ex. Arias refused to look at the gruesome photos and admitted she did the horrific acts but does not recall ever doing it.

Wednesday Martinez asked Arias more about her memory lapse and in a series of question of if she even remember grabbing each weapon:

"Do you remember grabbing the gun?"

"I don't remember grabbing the gun and taking it with me in the car," said Arias.

"Do you remember how you felt at that moment in time - when you were screaming and dropping the knife?"

"I can't really describe it, it's, it's a horrible feeling. I felt...I don't know, I felt panic. It's horrible," replied Arias.

Watch the Live Stream Here March 7th, 2013, 12:15 p.m. EST.