Taylor Swift Upsets Parks Department and Fans with New Zealand Visit

By Lauren Huff lauren.huff@mstarsnews.com | Nov 25, 2015 03:30 PM EST

Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. As previously reported, Taylor Swift skipped out on Sunday's AMAs to fly to New Zealand to shoot a music video. However, some New Zealand locals - including fans and a parks department - are not happy about her arrival down under.

When the singer announced tour dates for her 1989 world tour, New Zealand was left off the list. Australia was given a whopping seven tour dates, but New Zealanders were not so lucky.

Now, with Swift in their midst, some fans have taken to the Internet to complain. In an open letter to Swift, entertainment writer for the New Zealand Herald, Rachel Bache, laments:

Our little country had been cruelly left off your Downunder tour... So when rumours started spinning that you, Swifty, had visited Aotearoa to shoot a music video before going on to play shows in Australia, I was mad.

Bache goes on to say that it felt like a "slap in the face" that Swift would come all the way down to New Zealand to shoot a music video, but yet, could not make the time for a show there. The singer has not done a show in the country since 2013.

Fans weren't the only ones upset by Swift's visit. Waitakere Ranges local board chair, Sandra Coney, wrote on her Facebook:

Taylor Swift filming at Bethells this week. Permission was given for I think 2 vehicles, instead there were about a dozen. Parks not happy at all. We are trying to minimise [sic] vehicles on beaches for good reasons but at Bethells there are baby dotterels.

The New Zealand dotterel is a species of bird locals are working hard to protect. Coney goes on to say that they welcome filming on their beaches, so long as their environment is respected, however, she says, "Taylor's lot did not respect the environment or the conditions of their consent."

Looks like there might be some "Bad Blood" brewing Down Under...