Ted Cruz Talks Condoms, Blames Democrats for Making Up Contraception Issue?

By Kyle Dowling kyle.dowling@mstarsnews.com | Dec 01, 2015 02:37 PM EST

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz recently opened up about his thoughts on condoms and contraception during a rally in Iowa. Cruz claims that the whole war against contraception was one built by Democrats in order to scare people "who are not paying a lot of attention" and gain their votes.

Cruz's comments came on Monday during a rally in Bettendorf, Iowa. An attendee reportedly asked his thoughts on "making contraception available for women." To that, the senator gave a lengthy response which noted the incessant fabrication, or construction, of an argument which never, allegedly, existed on the right.

Citing that he's been a conservative all of his life, Cruz claims that he's never once met a fellow like-minded traditional who "wants to ban contraceptives" and further explained that despite the notions being spewed from the left, the ring-winged Republican has no "war on women" planned should they enter the White House – which is something largely spoken of on the Democratic side – the right of a woman's body as her own – due to the often Republican-like mindset on being pro-life.

Abortion is the issue, according to Cruz, not contraception.

Theoretically, the senator basically claimed that with the thought of being pro-life, he's in no way telling people not to have sex. In fact, he said, "Last I checked, we don't have a rubber shortage in America," referring to condoms. Cruz then recalled his college days of having condom machines in the bathrooms.

"You put 50 cents in, and voila!"

Which tells you pretty much how old he is.

Calling the issue of contraception a "nonsense-issue," the senator explained that he feels "anyone who wants contraceptives can access them."

Ted Cruz Talks About Condoms And His College Days. It Goes As ...

Ted Cruz has some thoughts about "condom police."

Posted by HuffPost Politics on Monday, November 30, 2015

Now, ask him about abortion, well, that's another issue.