Lupe Fiasco M.U.R.A.L. Foundation Hosts Second Annual Charity Bake Off

By Claire Howard | Dec 06, 2015 10:04 AM EST

Everyone remember the famous song, "Kick Push" by Lupe Fisaco? Well, he is relishing in his own anthem by hosting his second annual bake-off through his charity, M.U.R.A.L. Foundation (Magnifying Urban Realities and Affecting Lives), according to Rollingout. The bake-off was held in his birthplace, Chicago, at the Soho House.

The publication reports the contest consisted of two teams: Team Lupe and Team Idonije. Team Lupe was comprised with Fiasco, Top Chef Desserts pastry chef Malika Ameen, Mama Fiasco (Fiasco's mother), and M.U.R.A.L. board member Cyrus Rab. Team Idonije included NFL player Israel Idonije, Stephanie Hart of Brown Sugar Bakery, Judson Todd Allen (self-proclaimed Architect of Flavor and Steve Harvey's chef), and owner of, Shala.

The contest was assessed by celebrity judges from the hit shows Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, and the author of The Skin You Live In, Michael Tyler. The hosting restaurant's pastry chef Eric Estrella stayed around and moderated the event all night.

Ear Hustle 411 was able to attend the event and reported Team Idonije owned the competition with their winning desert, twisted caramel sweet potato pie. Team Lupe fell short with deciding to create a warm chocolate crunchy fudge brownie.

Rollingout tells us that all of the proceeds from the bake-off went straight to Fiasco's Food Justice Program.

Ear Hustle 411 reports, "M.U.R.A.L. uniquely interdisciplinary, grassroots-driven organization that works to inspire and unite Chicago communities and their youth by providing transformative resources and platforms that are in short supply or unavailable." The foundation is known for pursuing four key initiatives food justice, the creation and implementation of hip-hop scholars, and youth empowerment funding.

M.U.R.A.L. also "provides healthy produce to people who live in the city's 'food deserts'. To promote food justice, the Lupe Fiasco Foundation's Block-by-Block program funds community-based workshops, campaigns and events to promote healthy eating in 'food insecure' communities," according to Ear Hustle 411.