ISIS Using Donald Trump in Fight Against the United States?

By Staff | Dec 09, 2015 12:19 PM EST

CONAN host Conan O'Brien kicked off his Tuesday night episode with a monologue referencing the idea that ISIS has found a new weapon to use in attacking the United States: GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.

"A new report claims ISIS has been using American weapons in their fight against the United States," O'Brien said in the monologue, joking that alongside tanks and rifles, the Islamic State group has been using the former Celebrity Apprentice star.

Naturally O'Brien's joke was merely that, but it does bring forth an interesting discussion: Is Donald Trump helping or hurting the United States? Many would speculate the latter, specifically with his recent "complete shutdown" regarding Muslim immigrants coming to the U.S.

However, given the fact that his recent poll numbers show him roughly 20 points ahead of his own party candidates, perhaps the answer is not so black and white.

With this in mind, we have to ask: Is Donald Trump helping or hurting America?