Caitlyn Jenner Offends Transgender Community in Time Magazine Interview

By Claire Howard | Dec 17, 2015 02:33 PM EST

Caitlyn Jenner has been under some scrutiny regarding her latest comments she made in her interview to Time magazine. Jenner voiced her opinion on why she thinks certain trans people are not accepted in society and it has a whole lot to do with the way that person presents themselves, according to The Daily Caller.

Just what was the statement she made?

Cosmopolitan quotes, "I think it's much easier for a trans women or a trans man who authentically kind of looks and play the role. So what I call my presentation. I try to take that seriously. I think it puts people at ease. If you're out there and, to be honest with you, if you look like a man in a dress, it makes people uncomfortable."

Jenner made this statement with full confidence because as Kim Kardashian told her, "When I go out, as Kim says, you've got to rock it because the paparazzi will be there," Cosmopoltian quotes.

She was later called out and forced to apologize to the trans community. She tried to voice her apology through saying she does not only care about her appearance and that she was sorry that she made that seem as though it was her only concern. Knowing how hard people in her trans community took this statement, she said, "I think I caused a lot of hurt with this comment, and I'm truly sorry," Cosmopoltian reports.

She now believes that trans women and trans men have every right to look the way they so choose. She also now understands that most people who want to have surgery and achieve a certain look, probably do not have the money and resources to go through with those procedures. Her comments were made in poor taste and shows just how privileged her life is.

She later stated, "My comments probably made it seem like all I care about is fashion, or makeup, or appearance."

Her comments and apology still backed up the last statement she made about not wanting to appear to be superficial.

What do you all think: Is Jenner truly sorry for her comments or is she only apologizing because there was an uproar about her statements?