DJ Paris Hilton Remixes Her Address, Moves With Boyfriend Thomas Gross to Switzerland

Reality star and DJ, Paris Hilton has remixed her address since moving in with millionaire entrepreneur boyfriend, Thomas Gross in the tax haven town of Schwyz, Switzerland. The couple met last year at the Cannes Film Festival in France and has been going strong ever since. But the new shocking revelation is that the hotel heiress is relocating for love; which has taken the media by surprise.

Vanity Fair reported rather sarcastically, "We support this decision! Why shouldn't Paris Hilton move to a sleepy town in the Alps, population 14,000 or so? Sure, we don't necessarily encourage Americans to move to a "tax haven," as Page Six calls it, because Paris Hilton's tax dollars should be helping to repair our crumbling bridges, roads, foam cannons, and roller-discos here at home, but otherwise? Paris Hilton moving to the Swiss Alps sounds rather idyllic."

Speaking of Page Six, the gossip column says the Simple Life star actually received a long term visa D in November and that she expressed to German tabliod Blick, "I want to be Swiss." But not so friendly comments were made too as the paper published the negative comments that said, "Please take her and the Kardashians too," one commenter wrote on The Local.

Another begged local officials: "Don't fast-track this one!" Others were skeptical of her intentions. "First she pretends to be a DJ, now she is pretending to be Swiss," another commenter sniped." It seems the locals aren't too enthusiastic about Paris' move.

While the celebutante's comment is not a denouncement about her American citizenship, just yet, but this could be a clear signal to her 39-year old beau, that perhaps she's planning on a longer term relationship with Gross.

Tell us what you think, is Paris too hot a commodity to leave the U.S. or should she stay in Switzerland permanently?